So yes, this Kerrville wedding photographer is just now getting around to posting Seth’s newborn pictures. But hey, my excuse is, he was born on July 30th, I took August off from work and then jumped right back into the fall season. And for wedding photographers or any kind of photographers, fall is a big deal. We work extra hard from October to December 1st. So my excuse is I’ve been working! While I did take these with the 2 week window of newborn portraits, I’m just now getting around to editing them all and posting them for you all to see! I decided to go with super simple images. Dressed the kiddos in white, with my white bed spread and one window light. I think the simplicity adds some sort of elegance and beauty to these images. Hopefully when my kids are older, they will appreciate having a photographer for a mom!
Seth is perfect addition to our little family. I worried so much about how I was gonna raise two kiddos and have my business and take care of all the other mom duties, but some how we are finding a new normal. He is the happiest baby! And McKenna is loving her big sister role, as you can tell in these images. And that really makes my heart happy, because I worried about that too. But hey, I’m a mom, I’m supposed to worry about everything, right? right? hahaha!
So if you want to see my little Seth, please keep scrolling. I’m just totally head over heels in love with my two kids!
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